MAN Truck & Bus

Starting signal for a megawatt project

28 Aug 2024

FC Bayern Munich and its long-standing sponsorship partner MAN Truck & Bus are setting an example: A charging park for electric buses and lorries is being built at the Allianz Arena.

It is not only on the pitch at Munich's Allianz Arena that top performances are achieved - the stadium's power grid is also designed for high performance. After all, the floodlights, catering outlets and numerous other consumers require large amounts of energy. However, maximum demand only occurs during match days, meaning that the high-performance infrastructure is not fully utilised the rest of the time.

Full of energy: Up to 500 eBuses and eTrucks can be charged daily in the charging park.

However, this will change in the future. Today, the official go-ahead was given for a pioneering project at the Allianz Arena in Munich: A charging park for electric trucks and buses is being built in the southern bus car park of the arena. More than 30 high-performance and megawatt charging points are planned, which will be installed in three expansion stages. When the charging park is completed, up to 500 electric buses and lorries will be able to top up their batteries there every day. And it will be extremely climate-friendly: the Allianz Arena uses 100 per cent green electricity.

The launch of this project naturally had to be heralded in a fitting manner, and so many celebrities gathered in Munich today: Bavarian Minister President Dr Markus Söder, Christian Bernreiter, Bavarian State Minister for Housing, Construction and Transport, Jan-Christian Dreesen, Chairman of the Executive Board of FC Bayern München AG, Michael Diederich, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of FC Bayern München AG, as well as Alexander Vlaskamp, MAN CEO, and Frederik Zohm, MAN Chief Development Officer, were all present.

Grateful for fresh ideas: MAN CEO Alexander Vlaskamp.

50,000 charging points needed across Europe

‘We will only achieve the Paris climate targets with the consistent decarbonisation of vehicle fleets. The charging infrastructure is the key to this. That's why we are very grateful for fresh ideas and joint projects like the one with FC Bayern,’ says Vlaskamp. ‘The charging park at the Allianz Arena will be a flagship project - from Bavaria for Bavaria and the world. It will shine far beyond the state's borders.’ An estimate by the European manufacturers' association ACEA shows just how necessary such lighthouse projects are: around 50,000 high-performance and megawatt charging points are needed along the most important long-distance transport routes across Europe.

The charging park at the Allianz Arena will be a flagship project - from Bavaria for Bavaria and the world.

Alexander Vlaskamp - CEO MAN Truck & Bus

In addition to the powerful power supply, the location of the stadium also speaks in favour of setting up a charging park: the Allianz Arena is located directly at the busy Munich-North motorway junction and has its own motorway access. Up to 10,000 lorries pass this important traffic junction every day. And FC Bayern will also need a charging infrastructure for its fleet in the future - because MAN will be supplying FC Bayern with the first all-electric coach as a team bus as early as the 2025/26 season.

Jan-Christian Dreesen, CEO of FC Bayern, explains: ‘Our society is facing major challenges, especially when it comes to protecting our environment and the climate. For us, the public charging park for commercial vehicles is a continuation of our sustainability efforts to manage the Allianz Arena in an increasingly climate-friendly way.’ Michael Diederich, Deputy CEO of FC Bayern, adds: ‘This project is of great importance to us, and I can think of no better partner than MAN to successfully realise it. Two strong companies from Bavaria are taking innovative paths into the future and making an important contribution to electrification and climate neutrality in coach and truck transport.’

Conveniently located: The charging park is located in the immediate vicinity of the motorway.

Text: Christian Buck

Photos: MAN