MAN Truck & Bus

“If you maintain a dialogue, you’ll find solutions.”

Portrait of Erik Kraus-Boere

29 Nov 2022

Erik Kraus-Boere lives with his wife, their two children , his elderly mother-in-law and a few animals on a former farm near Frankfurt – and of course is also a Sales & Customer Solutions manager at MAN’s Munich headquarters: he is responsible for the Used Bus and Used Van divisions. Erik has worked for MAN since 2006 and has been head of the Sales Used Bus division since 2016, as well as Used Vans too. He and his team also manage a number of area managers. Erik tells us in this interview how he combines family, a wife with a management role and the responsibilities of caring for a relative with his executive job.

Erik, you and your wife both work in executive roles, you have two children together and you care for your wife’s mother. What does your average day look like?

Erik: Our son is twelve and our daughter is two years old. My mother-in-law, who lives with us, needs level 5 care and can no longer take care of herself. That has naturally demanded huge adaptations and an individual solution. Because we both work, we share family and household tasks as a matter of course. To make that possible, flexible working hours have been vital to us. My wife went back to work six months after the birth of our daughter. We initially split our working days, so that we both had free days when the other one was working. That gave us one day off together too. Since then, we have both gone back to working full-time, but not in the traditional nine-to-five model.

How have you managed to adapt your working life to your situation at home?

Erik: I had already taken advantage of the flexibility of trust-based working hours in my previous positions, because I managed international teams or was travelling a lot myself. As a result, those around me were already used to me rarely being physically on site. On top of that, I have always been fortunate to have supportive people around me, especially my superiors. They knew my attitude and my skills and trusted me to perform.

What was the basis for that?

Erik: The open dialogue I had with my managers was crucial. I think you need to open yourself up and share. You also need to have the confidence that your manager is a human being too and you can have personal conversations about your individual home situation. Then you can work together to find solutions within the possibilities available. On top of that, you need to learn to prioritise, so sometimes you have to let things go. And develop a certain serenity – for example, we don’t strive for perfection at home.

What does that have to do with you as a person? What are the approaches that help you?

Erik: A positive attitude always helps when it comes to juggling everything. Of course, some days are difficult and stressful, for example with my mother-in-law and her care needs. But I look at it as life presenting me with challenges to help me develop, rather than to test me. I also think that the situation can help to keep your feet on the ground and enable you to see the beautiful things in life every day.

The open dialog with my managers was essential.

Erik Kraus-Boere

What have you struggled with, and how did you deal with that?

Erik: Achieving the flexible working arrangement in the form I live with today has been a process. Many years ago, I was in the office every day, working long hours. I first had to come to terms myself with not being visible in the office any more. I was worried that I would now be in the “departure lounge” because my managers could no longer see me. What helped me was to discuss my doubts and concerns with my direct colleagues and line managers. My wife was very supportive too and repeatedly reminded me that it comes down to what you do, not how present you are.

To what extent does MAN have the right culture to create a custom solution for your personal situation?

Erik: I think MAN is on the right track. We have all learned a lot from the experiences of the last few years, and there have been many positive developments, for instance with the regulations on mobile working, working from overseas and trust-based working hours.

Where do you see potential for development of MAN’s culture in this respect?

Erik: Often with the people themselves, trusting themselves and making use of the opportunities. However, I also hope that a few of the managers trust their people and don’t lapse into controlling behaviour. The results of all the agreed tasks, to-dos and projects should always come first.

What advice would you like to give colleagues on how to reconcile their private situation with their career?

Erik: Have the courage to free yourself from the constraints of the “nine-to-five just work”, enabling you to do other things during the day and spend a few hours with your family too. And stop thinking, “What will other people think!” You can always be contacted in an emergency. The internal obstacles are often the biggest ones. If you always maintain a dialogue, you’ll find solutions. And when you’ve found them, you can work to that model with a clear conscience.

Mobile working and working from overseas

Eine junge Frau arbeitet an einer Lkw-Karrosserie

In principle, the mobile working regulations enable employees of MAN Truck & Bus SE in Munich to freely decide on their place of work, in consultation with the management. They are simply obliged to spend an average of one day per week working in the office. Furthermore, they may also spend up to 20 days per year working abroad, currently in almost all countries of the European Union.

The aim is to extend New Work and the principle of trust-based working hours to the sites in Nuremberg and Salzgitter. 

Text: Renate Wachinger

Photos: MAN

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