MAN Global

MAN Lane Change Collision Avoidance Assist 1)

MAN Lane Change Collision Avoidance Assist

A safe arrival for everyone

Moving into a turning lane, overtaking or manoeuvring around obstacles: A challenge for truck drivers, especially in heavy traffic. MAN Lane Change Collision Avoidance Assist 1) enables these manoeuvres to be carried out more safely. The driver is warned in good time if a road user is in a lateral area of the vehicle monitored by the radar sensors. If a collision with other road users is imminent despite the warning, a corrective, active steering torque provides support and helps the driver to avoid serious accidents.

Good to know: The size of the warning area varies from 0 m to 8 m in front of and up to 80 m behind the vehicle (measured from the front of the vehicle). Furthermore, the warning area depends on the vehicle length and the relative speed between your own vehicle and the respective vehicle in the adjacent lane.

At a glance

  • Monitoring the areas next to the vehicles
    Radar sensors monitor the lateral areas to the right and left of the vehicle’s lane.
  • Three-stage warning system
    The assistance system warns the driver visually and acoustically in three stages of possible dangerous situations.
  • Active collision avoidance
    In the event of an imminent collision, a corrective steering torque provides support and helps to avoid serious accidents.


Level 1 – Object in the warning area on the co-driverʼs side

If there is a moving object in the warning area on the co-driverʼs side, warning corners (with MAN OptiView 1)) or a single LED warning light in the A-pillar are activated.

Level 2 – Imminent collision

If, despite an impending collision on the driver’s or co-driver’s side, a lane change is initiated by activating the indicator or by a steering movement, a continuous warning frame (for MAN OptiView 1)) or three LED warning lights in the A-pillar light up.

Stage 3 –Active steering back into the lane

If, despite the warning of an imminent collision, the steering movement is continued so that the vehicle leaves its lane, the assistant 1) actively steers the vehicle back into its own lane. At the same time, the warning frame (for MAN OptiView 1)) or the three LED warning lights in the A-pillar flash, additionally supported by an acoustic signal.

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