MAN Global

MAN Reversing Motion System 1)

MAN Reversing Motion System

At a glance

  • A good overview of what’s happening
    The camera image ensures a better overview when performing shunting and coupling manoeuvres.
  • Increased safety
    Helps to avoid accidents when reversing with people and objects behind the vehicle.

Good view to the rear

When reversing or manoeuvring, a glance in the rear-view mirror is often not enough, as it doesn’t allow you to see what’s happening behind the truck. Thanks to the Reversing Motion System 1) with a standard camera at the rear of the solo truck, the display of the MAN media system shows you what is happening behind you.

View to the rear from the cockpit

When reverse gear is engaged or the truck rolls backwards, the camera image is automatically shown on the display of the MAN media system. The system can also be activated via a switch with a camera symbol in the instrument panel.

Safe manoeuvring

Thanks to camera-based monitoring, people or objects behind the vehicle can be seen on the display. The camera also provides a full view of trailers or semitrailers when coupling or hitching.

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