The Crew cab: MAN DN cab

Die MAN Doppelkabine DN bietet Platz für bis zu sieben Personen und ist besonders geeignet für Handwerksbetriebe, kommunale Aufgaben und Einsatzfahrzeuge.

At a glance

  • One mission – one trip
    With our crew cab, your MAN can simultaneously and comfortably transport up to seven people and the cargo to the operation site.
  • Twice as good
    Storage space under the rear seat and the optional multifunctional storage box offer plenty of room for work clothes and material.
  • Suitable for construction sites in all weather conditions
    Helpful in everyday use: Non-slip step units on all four doors and the dirt-resistant interior in Moon Grey colour scheme.

MAN DN cab – specifications

Small external width, but generous space for crew and cargo, so ideal for craft businesses, municipal sector and emergency services vehicles.

External dimensions Width: 2,240 mm
Length: 2,785 mm
Height: 1,645 mm
Seats Seats: 6
(7, if equipped with a double co-driver’s seat)

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